David Chamberlain, PhD - A pioneer in birth psychology, and one of the founders of APPPAH (the Association for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Health), David has contributed a paper entitled, Babies Are Conscious to this website.
Mairead Ni Chonaola - An Irish labor cesarean born woman who was for many years a Catholic nun, Mairead is now a psychotherapist. She writes of her own inner journey in "Thoughts on being born by cutting open, and its relationship to my being a wounded healer."
Natalie Ednie - Natalie Ednie contributed a conversation on technological birth, cesareans as a minority, and Jane's work with cesarean birth that she had with Jane English in 1997. Natalie is the mother of seven vaginally born children. Her husband, Tom, is a psychiatrist. Interviews with both of them appear in Different Doorway.
William Emerson, PhD - A pioneer in the treatment of birth trauma in infants, William has created a video on the treatment of cesarean birth trauma. He also has written an article, Treating Cesarean Birth Trauma During Infancy and Childhood
Jane English, PhD - Keeper of this website and author of Different Doorway and of several more recent papers on cesarean birth. She is also a photographer and publisher who has created a slide show of her cesarean birth-related paintings.
Stanislav Grof, MD,PhD - A psychiatrist who for over thirty years has researched non-ordinary states of consciousness. One of the founders of transpersonal psychology, he is founder of Holotropic Breathwork, and is author of numerous books and articles. Here we have his introduction to Different Doorway and his comments on cesarean born people having a different "native culture."
Rosemary Hayes - Cesarean birth-related paintings and transformative art.
Robert Leverant - A somatic and archetypal depth psychotherapist has written a composite picture of "labor cesarean born" drawn from his professional practice and from his own life as a labor cesarean born. He has also written a poem on cesarean birth. Prior to becoming a therapist, he was a commerical and art photographer.
Mary Myers - A stained glass artist in Arizona, Mary writes of the insights into her difficult relationship with her mother that came from reading Different Doorway and experiencing Holotropic Breathwork sessions. She was cesarean born with only a very little bit of labor.
Robert Oliver, MD - A retired obstetrician, Bob was on the board of directors of APPPAH. Here he gives his vision of The Ideal Cesarean Birth.
Amy Lauren Shapira - A graduate student at Santa Barbara Graduate Institute (SBGI) studying for her masters in Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology (via online program), Amy is also a physical therapist and childbirth educator and a mother of 3 young children. Her paper, The Emotional Ramifications of Being Born in a Caesarean Delivery, was written for a course at SBGI.
Joanne Steele, MA - Trained as an early childhood educator, and the mother of both vaginally born and cesarean born daughters, Joanne writes about the effect knowing about Jane English's cesarean birth work on 10 years of her parenting the cesarean born daughter (from 5 to 15). She also describes her cesarean delivery which was very close to the ideal described by Robert Oliver.
Gail Waxman - A student of transpersonal psychology who has contributed her paper on Cesarean Birth, Karmic Memories and the Present Life to this website